Ideas That Hang…Promote…Sell

Do-It News

At Do-It Corporation, we’re constantly evolving our product lines and developing new solutions to common retail display problems. To help our customers stay current with our progress and products, we regularly add new articles, case studies and industry thoughts to this page. Be sure to check back often, as we are constantly updating our offerings and sharing new perspectives on age-old retail display concerns.

Kong Easy Treat

Custom Bottleneck Hang Tabs that Help You Sell

This month, we’re highlighting some of our most popular bottleneck hang tab solutions and how we can customize them for your products.

How Product Carry Handles Increase Sales

Today, we’re exploring why product carry handles can increase sales for all of your heavy and bulk items.

3 Retail Tabs that Help Products Sell

In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing 3 different retail tabs that help your products sell.

How Custom Hang Tabs Can Increase Your Sales

We’re taking this month’s blog post to discuss how custom hang tabs can increase your sales.

Exploring Impulse Sales with Merchandising Display Strips

In today’s blog post, we’re discussing merchandising display strips and how to use them to increase impulse sales.


Using Do-It Product Carry Handles for Your Merchandise

We’re using today’s article to discuss how you can increase profits with Do-It product carry handles.


Back to Basics: Leveraging Plastic Hang Tabs for Profit

Today, we’re exploring the central role of plastic hang tabs in retail and how you can use them.

Jim Beam T-Shirt

Do-It Custom Hang Tabs for Your Products

In this month’s blog post, we’re reviewing some of our many custom hang tabs.

How You Can Use Display Strips to Boost Sales

Today, we’re discussing how you can boost your sales with the help of  Do-It display strips.

Hang Tab Examples

Simple, Effective Merchandising with Clear Plastic Hang Tabs

We’re taking this month’s blog post to discuss exactly how clear plastic hang tabs can increase your profits.

Molinari Bottle Neck Tab

Get Custom Bottleneck Hang Tabs at the Do-It Corporation

In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing our bottleneck hang tabs and how we can customize them to your individual needs.

Carry Handle Packaging

Using Do-It Hang Tabs and Carry Handles for Heavy Items

In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing Do-It hang tabs and carry handles for heavy products.