Ideas That Hang…Promote…Sell

Do-It News

At Do-It Corporation, we’re constantly evolving our product lines and developing new solutions to common retail display problems. To help our customers stay current with our progress and products, we regularly add new articles, case studies and industry thoughts to this page. Be sure to check back often, as we are constantly updating our offerings and sharing new perspectives on age-old retail display concerns.


Retail Display Solutions for Products of All Shapes and Sizes

Retail display solutions have been a matter of business for Do-It for decades, and we have worked with companies that product all different kinds of products during that time. When you want an experienced company to help with your retail problems, you can always find a solution with Do-It.

Smirnoff Three Pack

Summer Beverages Benefit from Bottle Neck Hang Tabs

With summer in full swing, it is likely your beverage business’s opportunity for sales has gone up, and the bottle neck hang tabs from the Do-It Corporation are another addition you can include in packaging to further push those sales.

Foot Joy Golf Glove

Plastic Packaging Finds a Place Anywhere in Stores in Hang Tabs

Whether you have a large product that you want suspended above other or a small package that needs to hang to be more easily seen, the strong hold of the hang tabs from Do-It provides the best addition to your plastic packaging to get the job done.

Mead Envelopes

Why Literature Holders are a Great Choice for Summer Sales

When manufacturers of products need literature holders to show off sales, they know that they can always count on the Do-It Corporation to provide the best.

Efficient Labs

Eye-Catching Retail Displays Assist Producers in Making the Sale

The Do-It Corporation has provided eye-catching retail displaying solutions to a variety of producers for products in almost every category that you would see in-store.

California Gourmet

Heavy Duty Hang Tabs Double Up on the Strength of Your Hold

Through a simple, but effective design, Do-It heavy duty hang tabs give products a durable hold that will ensure that they stay hung in a store aisle or endcap the entire time your product is sold.


Product Carry Handles Provide a Unique Way of Branding

The Do-It Corporation develops retail solutions that have been tried and tested so manufacturers of products are always getting the best answers to their problems.

Do-It Corporation

Security Hang Tabs Increase Effectiveness of Retail Loss Prevention

As we enter further into a New Year, security hang tabs from the Do-It Corporation are a great opportunity for retail companies to increase the effectiveness of their retail loss prevention.

Bic Pencils

Push Products With Unique Designs for Plastic Packaging

When thinking of ways to improve the sales of your products, you may be considering taking a look at your plastic packaging to make it more effective. The Do-It Corporation has helped many companies face this same question and has provided them with an answer to the dilemma time and time again.

Mead Envelopes

Literature Holders Benefit In-Store Holiday Shoppers

With the holidays just around the corner, your store can help in-store shoppers find all the deals they need with effective literature holders from Do-It Corporation.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Find Retail Display Solutions With Future Trade Shows

If you are a major retailer or a seller of products and you are looking for quality retail display solutions for your store or products, the Do-It Corporation has more than a few solutions for you to see at our trade show booths.

Gorilla Glue

Provide Samples, Promotions, and More With Bottle Neck Hang Tabs

When you choose to use bottle neck hang tabs from the Do-It Corporation, you are choosing a great way to provide a variety of bonuses to your customers that can encourage them to buy your products.