Ideas That Hang…Promote…Sell

Do-It News

At Do-It Corporation, we’re constantly evolving our product lines and developing new solutions to common retail display problems. To help our customers stay current with our progress and products, we regularly add new articles, case studies and industry thoughts to this page. Be sure to check back often, as we are constantly updating our offerings and sharing new perspectives on age-old retail display concerns.


The Four Main Reasons Why Consumers Impulse Buy

In this post, we will look at the four main reasons consumers tend to impulse buy.

Boru Vodka

Increase Sales and Customer Satisfaction With Bottle Neck Hang Tabs From Do-It

 Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs help you promote your brand or your partnership with another brand by attaching “free” products right to your bottle.

Durex Pleasure Gel

Do-It Specialty Hang Tabs Are Designed To Help With Your Product Placement and Security

Do you require a more specialized solution for your retail products? Whether your goal is to ward off theft, ensure your packaging is protected against damage or increase customer satisfaction, our specialty hang tab options are sure to improve your product’s placement and visibility while enhancing its security.

Foot Joy Golf Glove

Do-It Corporation’s Hang Tab Test Center

In this post, we will look at some of the tests we have developed and why our hang tab test center is beneficial for you and your business.

Blue Spark

Enhance Product Security and Appearance With Do-It Specialty Tabs

In this post, we will look at three of our products that fall under the specialty hang tab category.

True Blue Blueberries

Do-It Carry Handles Provide a Convenient Carrying Option for Bulk or Large Products

In this post, we will look at a few of the reasons Do-It Carry Handles are a smart investment.


Custom and Printed Hang Tabs Provide Custom Retail Display Solutions

In this post we will look at the ways that Do-It Corporation works with you to precisely design, print, manufacture, and cut the perfect hang tab for your retail display needs.


Grocery Store Layouts: Why Are They All So Similar?

Grocery store operations managers know that that there is a certain psychology behind the floor plan of their store and how their customers shop.

Kayser Roth

Finding the Right Hang Tab for Your Retail Display

There are many reasons why more and more retail stores and packaging companies are opting to use hang tabs instead of bulky packaging to hang the product or not hanging it at all.


Increase Convenience on Large or Bulk Products With Do-It Carry Handles

In this post, we’re going to look at why Do-It Carry Handles are a great way to complement the packaging of large or bulk products.

Lunazul Margarita

Garner Attention and Boost Sales With Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs

Whether you’re a renowned beverage company interested in promoting a new product or a small purveyor of organic hot sauces introducing an exciting new flavor, Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs can help you stand out on the retail shelves, draw attention to your product and, ultimately, make more sales.

Gojo Purell

Help Your Product Stand Out With Printed and Custom Hang Tabs

In this post, we’re going to look at how you can leverage the power of hang tabs to make your product stand out on retail shelves.