Do-It's Hang Tab Test Center Delivers the Best Performance, Value, and Price
Thousands of packaging designs, in addition to hundreds of hang tab choices, can create an overwhelming number of combinations. How do you know which hang tab will work best to reduce your packaging costs and increase your retail visibility? At Do-It, we help answer important questions with the assistance of our hang tab test center.
In our hang tab test center, we test a range of materials and hang tabs to provide you with results that you can trust. In fact, the Do-It Testing Center was instrumental in establishing a series of hang tab tests and protocols. To date, some of the key tests that we have developed and implemented include:
- Short-term track test: Measures performance during the initial application of a hang tab to a substrate.
- Long-term hang test: Simulates a 20-day, 100-day or 365-day hanging test in a typical retail environment.
- Display strip testing: Checks for finger strength and overall capacity with regards to your product’s dimensions.
- Custom tests: For unique scenarios, tests can be developed to test your hang tabs, products, or substrates.
With several locations in our facility for testing, our team can provide you with hang tab recommendations based on your package’s size, shape, material, weight, and environment. We will work with you to discover the information that you need to make better, more cost-effective packaging decisions.
Contact us today to request a thorough test of your packaging and identify the hang tab solution that will deliver the best performance, value, and price.