Adhesive Retail Carry Handles Make Shopping Trips Easier

When you work in retail, you know that it is all about making the customer experience as best it can be, and adhesive retail carry handles are one simple change that can easily make trips more positive for customers. When buying in bulk, or buying any large, awkward-to-carry items, customers can benefit from adhesive carry handles to make bringing the object to the front of the store, and into their home, easier. The Do-It Corporation has years of experience designing and engineering the best retail solutions, so we know that our adhesive carry handles will help.


When Do-It helps you design something for retail packaging purposes, we do so with the best design in mind that offers what you wish. For adhesive retail carry handles, this can mean integrating them into your package or leaving them as an optional add-on for customers to take. Some stores keep them at the product themselves; others keep them at the checkout aisle. Whatever will best benefit your business, Do-It will work with you to make it a reality.


When you design a retail carry handle with Do-It, you won’t just determine the size that you need. Our team knows that there is never a missed opportunity when it comes to branding, so we offer services to include branded images or messages on your adhesive retail carry handles. With professional printing and design, our team ensures that your carry handle will be perfect for your packaging to supplement it in the best way possible.

From design to implementation, the Do-It Corporation uses decades of experience to help you improve retail displays in a variety of ways. If you have large or bulk items that need a way to help them be held, consider adhesive retail carry handles from Do-It.
