Exploring Impulse Sales with Merchandising Display Strips
According to Capital One, 73% of Americans say that the majority of their purchases are completely unplanned. In other words, 73% of Americans primarily make impulse sales when they shop. As you likely already guessed, that means that anyone who doesn’t merchandise their products with impulse sales in mind is losing an incredible amount of potential profit on the table.
Here at the Do-It Corporation, we dedicate ourselves to ensuring finding new, reliable ways to market to as many customers as possible. That’s why we’ve created entire systems of merchandising that appeal to impulse buyers. In today’s blog post, we’re discussing merchandising display strips and how to use them to increase impulse sales.
Why is Impulse Spending So Popular?
Before you begin marketing to impulse shoppers, you may want to explore: why is impulse spending so popular?
Well, that’s kind of a big question. However, most marketers agree that it has to do with something called hedonic motivation (a fancy way of saying that people get emotional satisfaction from purchases). In other words, people buy on impulse because buying things feels good.
The Smart Way to Use Merchandising Display Strips
While merchandising display strips can help sell almost any product, they tend to do especially well with products that you might find in the check out aisle and products that can be used almost instantly. In both of these cases, products usually call attention to some immediate feeling that customers may not even be aware they have, then offer a solution for that need.
Let’s take a pack of gum as an example. No matter who you are, everyone’s had days in their life when their breath didn’t smell great—but most of the time, you don’t even think about it. Seeing a pack of gum on merchandising display strips encourages customers to reflect: how does their breath smell? If they figure that their breath doesn’t smell good, then this creates a problem that needs to be solved, and the pack of gum offers an instant solution.
By buying the gum, the customer not only gets access to tasty gum—they get to solve a problem or (when looked at through the lens of hedonic motivation) attain a goal. This creates a positive, satisfying emotional experience for the customer. And without merchandising display strips, this experience never would have happened.
Use Merchandising Display Strips to Boost Your Sales
Whatever you’re selling, using merchandising display strips to diversify your merchandising methods can only help your sales. For more information on our merchandising display strips or to order your own, click here to contact us today!