Garner Attention and Boost Sales With Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs
Are you looking for a unique way to promote your bottled product? Whether you’re a renowned beverage company interested in promoting a new product or a small purveyor of organic hot sauces introducing an exciting new flavor, Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs can help you stand out on the retail shelves, draw attention to your product and, ultimately, make more sales.
Designed to fit comfortably around your bottle’s neck, Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs are an ideal way to include a “free” promotional gift with the purchase of your product. With hundreds of existing styles – as well as custom options – available, our bottle neck hang tabs have been a mainstay in the industry for years. We’ve helped promote cold medicines, sanitizing sprays, hair gels, fragrances, cleaning products and much, much more. If you’ve ever found yourself wandering the aisles at your local supermarket and wondering, “Who makes these neat little bottle promotions?” Well, that’s us! So, no matter what you’re looking to promote: rest assured that Do-It can help.
For over forty years, Do-It Corporation has provided the industry with innovative point-of-sale solutions. Continually evolving and constantly developing new products for ever-changing markets, our team never rests. In fact, we’re so dedicated to developing the best retail display solutions that we built the industry’s first – and most exhaustive – hang tab test center. If you’ve been looking for a novel, eye-catching way to cross promote your bottled products, contact us today to learn more about Do-It Bottle Neck Hang Tabs.