How Product Carry Handles Increase Sales

Carry handles are on the rise in retail, and it’s easy to see why: items with product carry handles sell more than items without them. Somehow, product carry handles just manage to get products to sell—but why is that? After all, some carry handles are as simple as a thin strip of clear plastic; so what is it about a carry handle that makes products more attractive to customers?

Today, we’re exploring why product carry handles can increase sales for all of your heavy and bulk items.

Product Carry Handles Make Movement Easier

Fundamentally, the big reason why carry handles are such a powerful tool for increasing sales is this: they make it easier for customer to lift the product from the shelf to their cart.

Whether your background is in marketing, sales, retail, or customer service, there’s on golden rule that every customer-facing role follows: every obstacle between a customer and a purchase will make that purchase less likely to take place. The same goes for product carry handles: even something as (seemingly) simple as picking up your product can be enough of a task to stop customers from buying.

Let’s take a look at two examples: customers with disabilities and the median customer.

Why Customers with Disabilities Prefer Product Carry Handles

Let’s start off with an easier question: why would customers with disabilities prefer products with carry handles? Well, you might have a good idea of the answer.

For retailers, the product lifecycle generally ends when a customer makes their purchase and leaves the store. But for customers, a product’s lifecycle only begins at the check-out line. When customers with certain movement and manipulation disabilities make a purchase, they’re not just thinking about getting out of the store, they’re thinking about:

  • Putting that product in the car
  • Getting it out of the car
  • Hauling it up the stairs
  • Storing it somewhere inside the house
  • Accessing it again and again down the line

For many people, these steps aren’t major obstacles. But for some folks with muscle issues, nerve damage, poor eyesight, or frail or broken bones, they can be huge obstacles. So when they’re in the store, don’t be surprised if these customers prefer a product with a carry handle over a product without one.

Why the Median Customer Prefers Product Carry Handles

Let’s face it, though: for many retailers, the median customer doesn’t have a disability that makes heavy products impractical to purchase. So why does the median customer still prefer carry handles? Well, because they’re easy enough to add value to the product.

Bulky items like toilet paper, 24-packs of soda, and water jugs will always be bulky—there’s just no getting around that without eliminating the product, itself. Still, bulkiness detracts from a products value since that product becomes harder to move. From that perspective, a carry handle can make a huge difference to a customer making a choice between two similar products. With that in mind, it’s a no-brainer why more and more customers switch over to brands with product carry handles—in fact, customers may even be willing to pay a bit more than they would otherwise.

Increase Your Sales with Do-It Carry Handles

Are you searching for an affordable way to increase sales among a wide customer base while increasing the value of your product? If so, then our team at the Do-It Corporation is happy to help make that a reality. Click here to contact us and get your own product carry handles today!

Carry Handles