Improve Sales in the New Year With Effective Product Placement
As we make our way into a new year, you can make it your resolution to improve product sales through effective product placement. The Do-It Corporation has developed a variety of solutions over the years that you can use to bring simple displaying solutions to your product lines. If visibility and innovation for retail displays is something you need help with, Do-It is here for you.
Make it pop
One way to grab the attention of shoppers is with a little motion on your retail display. Do-It Wobblers use motion with their springy design to draw attention to your product for anyone passing by. They can fit into most shelf channels or attached via sticky strip, so you can put a wobbler wherever you need them. We can even create custom designs to give your product placement the personalized and recognizable touch it deserves.
Recognizable displays
If you have a well-established brand that people can recognize, then a display strip from Do-It can help to bring your product to the forefront where people will see it and want to purchase it. Depending on what your product needs, our display strips are versatile and customizable. Whether it’s a custom display strip that further pushes your brands logo or colors, or a display strip that has adhesive tabs on it, the Do-It Corporation has the options you need.
Reading material
Whether it’s in the store or somewhere else, with literature holders from Do-It, you can provide another way for potential customers to see your logo and remind them of your products. Capable of holding anything from brochures to full sized catalogues, the literature holdings from Do-It are a great way to reach your customer base.
The Do-It Corporation’s many ways to provide quality product placement makes it the best option for your retail display needs. If you want to boost sales in the new year, there’s no better way to do it, than Do-It.