Maintain Appearance and Security for Retail Displays
When you need to protect your products in an efficient way without ruining the look of packaging for your retail displays, the Do-It Corporation offers security hang tabs that do just that. Tested and used by stores all around, Do-It’s designs give your products the extra something they need to make your displays function the way you need them to.
The security hang tabs from Do-It are crafted out of heavy-duty plastic that keep your products safely sealed. More durable than wafer seal labels, the security hang tabs we offer give you the peace of mind with your products by ensuring they have one more dependable layer of security attached. If your store is having issues with loss prevention, Do-It’s security hang tabs can help to discourage further theft.
Do-It understands that different retail displays require different solutions, so, we craft security tabs that are perfect for products that need to hang on a peg or a simpler strip design for products that sit on the shelf. Each offers the security you can expect to keep products safe and are easy to use on your products’ packaging.
The security hang tabs are crafted with a clear plastic and clear adhesive. This way, when you secure your packages with them, they don’t interrupt your branding on the product, allowing potential buyers to see everything you wish for them to. Do-It’s security hang tabs provide the security your products need without getting in the way of your marketing.
Providing retail display solutions since 1973, the Do-It Corporation has the innovative solutions you need to provide products with an added level of security without ruining their look. To see how our hang tabs could fit on your products, give us a call and set up a meeting!