Plastic Packaging Finds a Place Anywhere in Stores in Hang Tabs

When your product has been approved to move onto shelves, it is important that your plastic packaging can find a place that serves it best to make the sale. Thankfully, due to the innovative and durable design of Do-It Corporation’s hang tabs, any product can find a space in stores to sit in a store aisle however it needs to best make the sale.

Whether you have a large product that you want suspended above other or a small package that needs to hang to be more easily seen, the strong hold of the hang tabs from Do-It provides the best addition to your plastic packaging to get the job done.


With the official start to summer just a few weeks away, summer products that are hitting shelves can find a better way of hanging in stores with hang tabs from Do-It. Seasonal displays are often put on endcaps to bring attention to the new products, and the plastic packaging used to send them to stores can include hang tabs to allow them to be suspended on pegs for a more visible shelf presence.

From goggles for kids to gardening or yardwork supplies, Do-It provides a way for any product to get the visibility it needs.


When you choose Do-It hang tabs for your plastic packaging, you can either choose to have hang tabs available to attach after your products have arrives at the store or have Do-It help you in designing packaging in which a hanging section is already present. Our team has worked with a variety of companies and their products over the years, so we can help you to determine which might be better as an option for your products.

Whether it is the size of the object, weight, or any other reason, our team will make recommendations based on what we see with your plastic packaging planned for products and get the right hanging solution included to match.

With solutions developed for plastic packaging right in our hang tab test center, you can confidently use hang tabs for your products this summer and beyond. Offering more displaying options to your products, Do-It’s retail solutions are your best choice to add versatility to your products and their display capabilities. Contact us today to learn more or start an order!

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