Do-It Assists BoomBoom Naturals With Its Walmart Strip Program
When BoomBoom Naturals began sourcing all of the components for their merchandising display strip program with Walmart they turned to Do-It Corporation. As an approved Walmart display strip supplier, Do-It worked closely with BoomBoom Naturals to ensure that their impulse strips, labels, and S-Hooks comply with all Walmart specifications.
For this project, Do-It Corporation supplied it’s 2-83 Display Strip, pinched S-Hooks, and printed Walmart specific labels. The printed labels are required by Walmart and help track and move merchandise through the various departments within their stores.
Do-It Corporation can also provide contract packaging services to apply Walmart labels, attach S Hooks to the strips, and provide master carton labels. If you are looking to market a “store ready” product on an impulse display strip in Walmart, Do-It Corporation can help.