Do-It Carry Handle to help Flatrate Moving’s customers get a grip on moving day
Moving can be a demanding day of hauling items and boxes. FlatRate Moving wants to help make moving day simpler and less strenuous. That’s why FlatRate Moving selected Do-It Corporation’s C-SHH Carry Handle as an ideal option for hauling larger boxes and other hard to carry items. The C-SHH carry handle was initially designed to attach to and carry retail items like multipacked bottle water, shrink wrapped products, and shipping boxes. The C-SHH is 24 inches long and 1.375 inches wide with six inches of adhesive on each end and is rated to carry up to 35 pounds. In addition, Do-It printed FlatRate Moving’s logo on the carry handle to ensure that customers have a consistent, uninterrupted experience with the FlatRate Moving brand. Do-It Carry Handles are strong, sturdy, and easy to use. The C-SHH carry handle is delivered in a group of five carry handles per sheet. When needed, just peel a handle from the liner and attach to almost any size box. These branded carry handles will be sold alongside other moving and packing supplies in their facilities and online at the FlatRate Packing Supply Store —