Do-It Hang Tab opens display options for Smartykat’s Super Scratcher
When SmartyKat was looking to hang their large, slightly bulky Super Scratcher they found their solution with a Do-It Corporation Hang Tab. Do-It’s R-KEP is a 20 mil slot style hang tab that fits along the top and back edge of the shrink-wrapped package.
By placing a hang tab on this product SmartyKat allows stores the option of placing the box on shelf or hanging it on peg hook.
Hanging products on peg hooks increases product visibility, raises brand awareness and creates additional merchandising opportunities. The large package with clear, attention getting graphics is already noticeable — but hanging the product where customers can see it will help to increase product display flexibility and sales.
The clear hang tab attaches to the back and top of the package and does not distract attention away from the product. The strong hang tab and our HangTiteTM adhesive will ensure that the SmartyKat Super Scratcher will attractively hang until purchased.