Do-It Hang Tabs Help Keep U.S. Playing Cards Hanging In Front of Customers
For decades, Do-It Corporation has been supplying United States Playing Card with a variety of hang tabs that have kept their products hanging in various locations in stores — worldwide. The R-05 and R-GCR Round Hole Hang Tabs are used with U.S. Playing Cards’ one-pack and two-pack products. For both packages, U.S. Playing Card uses an overwrap that is highly compatible with Do-It Corporation’s HangTite® Adhesive. The hang tabs are applied automatically with a high-speed hang tab applicators.
Placed directly on the top, back side of the package both of these clear hang tabs are virtually invisible. Customers can still see any information on the package. In addition, both hang tabs fold down in the master carton during shipping while remaining firmly attached to the product. Using the R-05 and R-GCR hang tabs, these products can easily hang on a peg hook or a display strip anywhere in the store. This is the key — these products are placed where customers will see them. Store employees can hang the cards in the toy or game section, near checkout, or in both locations. More display options means more visibility, and ultimately more impulse sales.