Do-It Reinforcer Hang Tab Helps Elmer’s Hang Their Scented Glue Sticks
Studies have shown that customers tend to avoid torn or damaged packaging. Do-It Reinforcer Hang Tabs are ideal for preventing damage to hang holes on cardboard header cards, plastic bags, and pouches. As they help to eliminate torn header cards and improve existing package durability reinforcers reduce product returns and lost sales due to damage. Elmer’s decided it is better to prevent damage to their Scented Glue Sticks than to rely on stores to repair and rehang their product. Elmer’s selected Do-It Corporation’s R-RUR Reinforcer Hang Tab to provide added support to the cardboard header and hang hole on the package. The clear R-RUR Reinforcer is almost unnoticeable and does not block any key information or graphics on the back side of the Elmer’s Scented Sticks package. Do-It recently redesigned the R-RUR by removing the center hang hole area and re-orientating the part to accommodate Elmer’s application equipment. In general, Do-It Reinforcer Hang Tabs can be applied by hand or automatically before or after the blister card or folding carton has been filled. Reinforcers can also lower packaging costs by allowing manufacturers to use lighter packaging materials to support heavier products. The needed extra support of the R-RUR Reinforcer on this Elmer’s package will help cleanly hold the Scented Glue Sticks on a peg hook until purchased.