Gallery Leather completes High-End Sleeve with Do-It Seal Tab
Many Do-It Products are designed to be invisible. They quietly and effectively do their job while never distracting customers from the product or message on the package.
Gallery Leather needed a way to discreetly secure their wrap-a-round paper sleeve to their Monthly Planner. Do-It’s R-UHP Round Seal Tab is a perfect solution.
Made with clear, 3-mil, PET plastic and Do-It’s Hang-Tite 203B Adhesive, the round seal tab adheres securely to the paper sleeve and is virtually invisible so it won’t distract from the sleeve or the product. The PET plastic and adhesive is much stronger than common wafer seals giving Gallery Leather confidence the seal will hold the sleeve in place during the entire sales cycle. Invisible and effective — two key traits for Do-It’s R-UHP security seal tab.