oggi® Looks To Shake Things Up When Displaying Their Plastic Cocktail Shaker
When oggi® was looking to increase the display options for its 24-ounce plastic cocktail shaker they turned to Do-It Corporation. Do-It’s 2-BBL Bottle Neck Hang Tab is the ideal solution to get this cocktail shaker hanging where customer’s will notice the product. The 2-BBL easily slides over the top of the shaker and then secures under the cap. The clear bottle hang tab is almost completely unnoticeable and doesn’t block the product or any key information. With the bottle hang tab in place the product can stand on a shelf or hang on a peg hook. In addition, the 2-BBL can remain folded down for shipping — allowing oggi to use its existing master carton packaging. In the marketplace, store personnel can fold up the bottle hang tab and hang the product anywhere in the store.