Protect Retail Displays With Do-It Security Hang Tabs
When working in the retail industry, there comes the inevitable question of how you’re going to keep your products safe, and with Do-It security hang tabs, your retail displays will be more secure than ever. With the different designs offered by Do-It corporation and our many years of experience perfecting our hang tabs, you can be sure that your products will be as secure as possible.
The benefit of tab protection
Compared to our regular hang tabs, the Do-It security hang tabs keep your retail displays more secure by attaching the security tab on the opening of the package on your product. With a security tab attached to the outside of your products, your products will not only be able to hang strong, but the package will also be sealed from anyone who may try to open it. The security tab folds down during shipping to keep the box intact and can then fold up at your store to hang with ease.
Tabs for both sitting and hanging
For your security tabs on retail displays, you have options when it comes to protecting your products. Our options include different models of security tabs: ones that include our hang tabs and others that are a simple plastic tab stuck on the opening of your package. Both tabs seal the opening, meaning that no one will be able to simply open a package and take out whatever is inside of it. Unless the person attempting to steal your products is using a tool to open a package, our durable security tabs will protect your products.
With an experienced staff and products that have been developed for over 40 years, the Do-It corporation brings you the best products in the retail display industry. With millions of standard hang tabs in stock, ready for delivery, we can fulfill any order you need as soon as you need it.