Using Do-It Product Carry Handles for Your Merchandise
Here at the Do-It Corporation, many of our customer know us for our hang tabs. These small, plastic tabs are perfect for displaying small and medium-sized items in unconventional ways, such as on hooks at eye-height.
However, we don’t plan on talking about hang tabs today. Instead, we want to take today’s blog post to focus on solutions for large and heavy items you may sell. Unlike small items, which are innately much easier to display, larger items need a bit more creativity to sell. That’s why we’re using today’s article to discuss how you can increase profits with Do-It product carry handles.
Understanding Path to Purchase Marketing
The first question you have may be something along the lines of this: how can product carry handles increase sales? Well, the answer to that question relies on one essential marketing principle: the path to purchase principle.
The “path to purchase” in marketing is about as simple as it sounds: it’s essentially the path that potential customers must take on the way to making a purchase. In online marketplaces (such as on Amazon or eBay) this is fairly straightforward—a path to purchase for customers will be the webpages and buttons they click, such as “Add to Cart” or “Checkout.”
The big idea with purchase pathing is to remove as many barriers as possible for customers. Every barrier that exists in a purchase path will decrease the number of customers that complete a purchase. This is why Amazon has one-click purchasing; it minimizes barriers to a purchase.
In the physical marketplace, retailers face similar challenges. Customers need to be able find the products they need in a timely fashion. Once they find the right products, though, they might face a new barrier: getting that product to checkout. This is where package carry handles come in.
How Do-It Product Carry Handles Increase Sales
You’d be surprised how many people simply decide not to make a purchase (even for essentials) if they can’t easily handle the product. While this isn’t usually a problem with smaller merchandise, larger products and bulk products can be quite a hassle. That’s why we created the Do-It product carry handles.
Do-It product carry handles can hold products up to 35 pounds, making them the perfect carrying solution for heavy and bulk goods. And when customers see that your products have a package carry handle attached, they’ll feel much more capable of buying it and taking it home. And here’s the kicker: we even sell a carry handle dispenser that can increase your carry handle application to 60/minute.
Increase Sales with Do-It Product Carry Handles
Are you looking to increase sales for your large, heavy, or unwieldy products? If so, then our package carry handle can get the job done right while increasing customer satisfaction. For more information on our carry handles or to order your own, click here to contact us today!