What It Takes To Be the Best Hang Tab Manufacturer

When crafting a product like hang tabs, you have to make sure they fit and work for the product you have in mind, and the Do-It Corporation can do just that at our hang tab test center. We have worked through thousands of packaging designs for different products that can benefit from different hang tab choices, and it’s through this experience that we’re sure we can find the solutions for you.

Certified testing

Do-It’s hang tab testing center doesn’t simply do the work, but also constantly looks for ways to continuously improve the quality of its work. Thanks to this, we have earned ISO 9001:2008 certification, proof that we do everything to ensure your products receive the best solutions possible with Do-It. Between test procedures and communication with you, the owner of the product, we craft exactly what you’re looking for.

Test types

When you need hang tabs for your product, the Do-It Corporation puts different tabs through rigorous tests to make sure they best serve your items. Two such tests are short- and long-term testing to make sure hang tabs give performance during the initial application of a hang tab and to check they stay up to an entire year in a typical retail environment. Through these two tests and more, the Do-It Corporation provides the best service possible for your products.

Guaranteed testing

With several locations within our facilities for testing your product on hang tabs, the Do-It Corporation guarantees that we can get your products in and have them tested with ease. Our team of professionals works with you to give suggestions for the best answers to hanging your products, all for a great value.

Whatever it takes to increase product brand awareness through effective retail solutions, the Do-It Corporation can find the answer. Take a look through our list of tabs and products to see the type of solutions we offer!

Scotch Tape